Monday, October 20, 2008

Light of Aoral 2, 1KW Photovoltaic System

We have installed a 1KW Photovoltaic System at the Medical Outpost at Aoral, Cambodia, on 13 October 2008. The medical facilities is managed by an NGO, Project Khmer Hope. The system will complement the existing diesel generator. Most of the time, the diesel generator is not used and the solar takes over. Only at times when alot of power is needed, the system will do a manual switch over to the generator.

The system is a single phase inverter while the generator is operating 3 phase. Hence we place a switch on the red phase of the generator output which can be manually switch between solar and generator. At the distribution box, only essential appliances such as fans, lights and TV are connected.

The inverter (COTEK, pure sinewave) can produce 230Vac 600W, hence the number of electrical applicance connected to the red phase should be limited below 600W.

The intelligent charge controller is from Phocos which can handle 1 KW power from the 8 solar panels. (125 W each)

A total of 10 deep cycle batteries 100Ah are connected to the system, operating at 24Vdc.

It took 2 days to mount the structures to hold the 8 solar panels on top of the water tank. First, mounting of the metal structure, including arc welding them, paint undercoat on the structure, mount the solar panels and finally wiring for 24 Vdc operation.

The system is able to charge the batteries when the sun is shining and during the night, when the 4 fans and 17 security lamps are switched ON, you can see the battery voltage dropping until the next morning with the batteries are charge by solar again.

The team that install the system is below.