Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Solar 6 at Hope Training Centre, Prey Veng

On 6 April 2010, we went to Hope Training Centre, Prey Veng, to restore the solar lighting and also conduct solar maintenance at the training centre. The condition of the wiring and lamps needed restoration because during the construction of the building, some were damaged.

We dug a new trench to provide electrical cabling from the factory to the 6 houses. This will provide the solar battery power located at the factory to the houses.

We also rewire the electrical cables and lamps at the factory

The lamps, charge controller and batteries were located at the factory. There are 2 zones, houses for zone 1 and factory is zone 2. A total of 17 lamps or 85Watts of power is consumed by the security lighting nightly. The security guard will switch on the lights when it gets dark, about 6.30pm and turn off the lights at 6 am the next morning. A total of 6 solar panels totaling 660Watts is capable of providing 12 hours nightly of security lighting. It has a standby charge of 2 days in case of bad weather with no or little charging from the sun. It has the capacity to increase to 22 lamps without compromising its performance.

A picture of the factory during the day time and night time. It provide sufficient lighting at night to improve the security in the training centre.

The daily charging of the batteries starts at 6 am in the morning and reaches full charge at noon. The charging goes into trickle charge after that. At 6.30pm, the lights are turn on for 12 hours where we can see the batteries are being discharge.The cycle continues again the next day.

A block diagram of the system is shown below.