Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Visit Omkoi for Community Projects

On 10 April 2011, a team of 2 lecturers and 9 students went to Northern Thailand to do overseas community project. This is the first time we have started a community project in this area. We spent altogether 10 days in Thailand, of which 7 days is in the karen rural villages.

During the trip, we went to the 1st village to install install solar powered LED lanterns at 7 houses which do not have lights at Mae Ramit. The altitude of the location is 1200m above seas-level.

We stayed there for 3 days in a local church. We also had our 3 meals daily cooked by the villagers.

We started to install the solar lanterns after we settle down.

At night we have cultural activities with the locals and their children. We also had a camp fire. The temperature at night is cold, about 13 degrees celcius.

Next we went to decorate a small library and add more English books to their collection at Phapudung (village 2). It was a day trip. The location is 980 m above sea level.

Lastly we travel to another village Dung Loi (village 3) to paint a newly completed children activity hall. We stayed there for 2 nights under the courtesy of the village chief. We had all 3 meals at the village chief house. We had some left over paint, so we painted the church.

 At night we had camp fire and celebrated with the locals, singing songs, has a performance, some entertament.


Finally, we have friends who have helped us to make our stay more pleasant in Omkoi. Our thanks to Pastor Puwasak, his wife and ACT worker, Jeffrey and Pastor Noh .  Also to the village chief at Dung Loi.