Tuesday, December 22, 2015

St. Philip's Church

A new church building, St. Philips Church, is built at Padawan, Sarawak. It is the hometown of Bishop Made.

New development, they are starting to build the church (March 2018).

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Visit Cambodia, PKH Trang

In October 2015, I visited Trang village in Cambodia.

 When we arrived, the children were waiting to welcome us. They sang the Lord's Prayer song for us.
 They were building a new multi purpose hall for the training centre.

They use the latest technique in thermal insulation for the roof. The aluminum thermal foil is mounted on the zinc roof separated by foam.

PKH Trang Solar

In September 2015, PKH staff install 2 solar lighting system at Trang training Centre. The system schematics is below. The solar panel is 120W each.
The completed installation is shown in the picture below.

Battery Voltage Profile for House 1 & 2

Battery Voltage Profile for Office, Kitchen, Library & Toilet

Monday, July 13, 2015

MegaVoice Users

It all started when I met the founder!

In Thai Language.

 In Karen Language.

From Cambodia, children from Trang listening to English and Khmer audio bible.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Visit Pak Taeng, Thailand

In July 2015, we visited a missionary living in Pak Taeng.

 This is where I sleep for the night.

 We plays with the flying lanteen at midnight.
 Next morning, we had breakfast.

 Our driver who ferried us around.
Next we visited a church, Light of Love Church.

Visit Maw Kwee Karen Refugee Camp

In July 2015, we visited Maw Kwee Karen Refugee Centre. A Norwegian NGO has help to build a primary school for the Karen people. They also install a photo-voltaic system for them.

An Anglican Church in the area.