Friday, September 22, 2006

Mission Lightings for Pahang

We were blessed for being able to visit churches in Pahang jungle through a Christian friend. Through his local contact, we went in to provide lighting for the churches in the jungle using LED Lamps powered by Lead Acid Batteries.

On our way to the base camp, Tual, the road was rough and muddy. The locals would hitch a ride from us to return to their village.

When we reach the base camp, it was like a sanctuary, very peaceful, with basic amenities available, like fresh water from the hills, electricity, food (must say, the food was very good) and proper shelter.

Next morning, we went to a church at Regang, we gave a sermon, had fellowship meals with them.

In the afternoon, we return to Tual. We had another church service at Tual. We gave a sermon. Offered our prayers and had fellowship meals with the elders.

In the late afternoon, we set off to Senderut. They have a church located at Senderut. It is 510 meters above sea level. It had just rained, the road was muddy and slippery. Fortunately, the vehicle did not get stuck in the mud. We finally arrived after sunset. The church was dark, we quickly install 6 LED lamps in the church and powered them by a 12Vdc lead acid battery. We conducted the church service at night with the lights on, we had fellowship dinner with them and stayed a night in the church. The temperature in the morning was 17 degrees Celsius.

Immediately, the next morning, we set off to Kaki Bukit Long. Finally we reach there, park our vehicle outside the church and walk up hill to Tigol and Saweh. It was 468 metre above sea level.

We passed by Tigol church. It was 543 metres above sea level. There was no church service that day but the service was at Saweh.

We continued walking up hill and went to a church in Saweh, they had their morning church service, we gave a sermon and had breakfast fellowship with them. This place is 570 meters above sea level.

Finally, we return to the church at Kaki Bukit Long. We attended the service and had some sing along session. We installed 6 LED Lamps at the church, powered by a 12Vdc Lead Acid Battery.